James Explains

Evaluation in 2021

Evaluating Teachers Virtually

How can schools support teacher growth in a virtual environment? How do you observe, evaluate, and provide feedback to teachers who are teaching over Zoom?

Join Dr. James Stronge on Frontline's 21-Apr-2021 Field Trip podcast to find out.

Podcast Link »

Webinar: Teacher Evaluation in Blended and Virtual Environments (Sep 29, 2020)

2018 Stronge Institute Keynote

Teacher and Principal Evaluation System

Webinar: Improving Teacher Effectiveness

How do you improve teacher effectiveness? It starts with hiring the best candidate and supporting them throughout their career. But in many districts, there's a disconnect between those two stages — a problem easily remedied by aligning your hiring process to your evaluations. This free, on-demand webinar discusses the importance of an integrated solution to help teachers become more effective from the outset and to support them throughout their teaching career.

Webinar Link »

New Jersey Selection of Evaluation Systems

James Stronge - Teacher Performance Evaluation

2010 NJPSA/FEA/NJASCD Fall Conference

Additional Videos

Introduction to Teacher Evaluation »
Stronge Leader Evaluation »
ACS - Stronge Interview »

 Why choose the Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System?

» Aligns the criteria used for hiring, developing, evaluating, and supporting educators

» Fully customizable to state, district, or organizational requirements

» Comprehensive evaluation system is research-based, feasible, and sustainable

» Recognized expertise in assessment and student growth measures

» Top quality, handbooks, user guides, training materials, and support materials

» Reasonably priced

 Contact Us

Voice Mail: 757.707.9662


Email: Dr. James Stronge

Email: Dr. Ginny Tonneson

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All Rights Reserved.