
Workshops and Training Tailored to your Requirements

Stronge and Associates offers numerous workshops and training sessions that can be tailored to meet a district or state's requirements. Sessions cover topics such as the qualities of effective teachers and principals, teacher and leader evaluation, connecting evaluation to student progress, making formative and summative decisions, using assessment data, hiring the best teachers, creating program objectives for educational specialists and much, much more.

Teacher and Leader Effectiveness

Instructional Planning: A Toolkit for Teacher Effectiveness (1 day)
Using a variety of activities, participants learn about key planning components to create effective instructional plans. Learning intentions, strategies to activate prior knowledge, "hooks" to engage student interest, differentiation, teaching strategies, assessment, lesson closure, and reflection are highlighted. Audience: Administrators, Teachers.
Instructional Delivery: A Toolkit for Teacher Effectiveness (1 day)
Using hands-on activities and videos, participants learn about research-based high-yield strategies, activity-focused teaching, matching instruction to the rigor of the learning goal, active learning, teacher expectations, and helping students learn at high levels. Audience: Administrators, Teachers.
Assessment of/for Learning: A Toolkit for Teacher Effectiveness (1 day)
Participants learn about formative and summative assessments and how to find meaning in the data, including seeing patterns of strength and areas of need. The use of classroom assessment data and high quality questioning and feedback as assessment strategies are also embedded in the workshop. Audience: Administrators, Teachers.
Learning Environment and Classroom Management: A Toolkit for Teacher Effectiveness (1 day)
Using a video simulation and hands-on activities, participants learn about critical relationships, student motivation, and ways to increase student autonomy in the classroom. Audience: Administrators, Teachers.
Professional Knowledge: A Toolkit for Teacher Effectiveness (½ day – delivered in conjunction with Professionalism)
Using a video simulation and a variety of hands-on activities, participants explore professional knowledge topics, including subject matter knowledge, pedagogical knowledge, curricular knowledge, and learner knowledge. Audience: Administrators, Teachers.
Professionalism: A Toolkit for Teacher Effectiveness (½ day – delivered in conjunction with Professional Knowledge)
Delving into the finer aspects of professionalism, participants use tangible evidence to differentiate varying degrees of professionalism and analyze the behaviors that substantiate this critical component of teacher effectiveness. Audience: Administrators, Teachers.
Student Progress: A Toolkit for Teacher Effectiveness (1 day)
Using simulations and activities, participants learn about the Student Learning Objectives (SLO) process. Participants discuss appropriate assessments for measuring student progress, practice writing and evaluating learning objectives and instructional strategies, and see examples of how to measure the implementation effectiveness of strategies using formative assessment and data. Audience: Administrators, Teachers.
Student Learning/Program Objectives for Educational Specialists (1 day)
This workshop introduces the SLO process for educational specialists with a particular emphasis on programmatic objectives. Participants assess their roles and responsibilities to determine areas appropriate for setting objectives and practice writing and evaluating learning/program objectives. Audience: Administrators, Educational Specialists.
Goal Setting for Administrators (1 day)
This workshop helps administrators set goals specifically geared toward improving student growth. Participants use simulations and hands-on activities to determine potential measures of student progress, practice writing and evaluating goal statements, discuss leadership and management strategies, and practice using potential decision rules for rating goal achievement. Audience: Administrators.

Educator Evaluation

Teacher Evaluation: How to Successfully Implement the Stronge Evaluation System (1 and 2 day versions)
This workshop provides participants with the tools to adapt and implement the Stronge Teacher Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System. The workshop features application of research-based evaluation tools through hands-on activities and simulations. Audience: Administrators, Teachers.
Educational Specialist Evaluation: How to Successfully Implement the Stronge Evaluation System (1 day)
This workshop focuses on the educational specialist component of the Stronge Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System. Participants use hands-on activities to apply research-based evaluation tools and learn how educational specialists can be accurately evaluated despite their wide-ranging job responsibilities. Audience: Administrators, Educational Specialists.
Leader Evaluation: How to Successfully Implement the Stronge Evaluation System (1 day)
This workshop provides building-level and district-level administrators and their evaluators with the tools to adapt and implement the Stronge Leader Effectiveness Performance Evaluation System. The workshop features application of research-based evaluation tools through hands-on activities and simulations. Audience: Administrators.
Using Data to Make Formative Decisions (1 day)
This workshop helps administrators provide more effective formative feedback to their evaluatees. Participants gain a level of practical understanding for how the performance standards and indicators really look in practice so they can provide feedback for meaningful improvement and lay the foundation for summative decisions. Participants also explore how to judge the quality of data and how to avoid bias in giving feedback. Audience: Administrators, Lead Teachers.
Moving from Data to Defensible Ratings (1 day)
This workshop focuses on preparing for the summative evaluation.  Using video simulations and data, participants learn how to integrate all evaluation components into a justifiable rating for each of the performance standards. Audience: Administrators.
Teacher Evaluation: Making Summative Decisions/Inter-Rater Reliability (1 day)
This simulation-based workshop features the use of multiple data sources in making summative evaluation decisions. Using video demonstration lessons, observational records, student survey results, and artifacts, participants focus on building inter-rater reliability in summative decision-making. Districts may use this session to provide certification in the Stronge Evaluation System. Audience: Administrators.
Leader Evaluation: Making Summative Decisions/Inter-Rater Reliability (1 day)
This simulation-based workshop features the use of multiple data sources in making summative evaluation decisions. Using video interview simulations, observation/school-site visit records, survey results, artifacts, and administrator goal attainment, participants focus on building inter-rater reliability in summative decision-making. Districts may use this session to provide certification in the Stronge Evaluation System. Audience: Administrators.


Hiring the Best Teachers (1 and 2 day versions)
We know that teachers make a difference in how much and how well students learn. Yet, school leaders often struggle with the challenge of identifying the most effective teachers in the initial teacher selection process. This workshop addresses what works and what doesn't in teacher hiring, how school leaders can use teacher effectiveness research to guide the hiring process, how to use the Stronge Hiring Protocol to make research-informed hiring decisions, and how to include demonstration lessons in the teacher selection process. Audience: Administrators, HR Staff.
Hiring the Best Principals (1 day version)
This workshop examines the latest research on world-class schools and the important roles that our leaders play within the educational environment. It then guides participants through the Stronge Hiring Protocol for principals, which is aligned with the educational leadership attributes laid out in ASCD's Qualities of Effective Principals (Stronge et al., 2008). Audience: Administrators, HR Staff.

Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System

The Stronge Professional Development System is just one component of the Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System.

 Why choose the Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System?

» Aligns the criteria used for hiring, developing, evaluating, and supporting educators

» Fully customizable to state, district, or organizational requirements

» Comprehensive evaluation system is research-based, feasible, and sustainable

» Recognized expertise in assessment and student growth measures

» Top quality, handbooks, user guides, training materials, and support materials

» Reasonably priced

 Contact Us

Voice Mail: 757.707.9662

Email: Dr. James Stronge

Email: Dr. Ginny Tonneson

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