
Stronge Hiring Protocol

The Stronge Hiring Protocol is a comprehensive system that incorporates all aspects of the hiring process. Using an "effectiveness lens" the Stronge Hiring Protocol provides a multi-tiered screening process designed to help school districts narrow their applicant pool and hire the best candidates quickly, effectively, and easily.

Why Use the Stronge Hiring Protocol?

  • Comprehensive, systematic system for hiring seven positions, including teachers, principals, educational specialists (e.g., counselors, library/media specialists), district leaders (central office), paraprofessionals, classified teachers, and substitute teachers.
  • Research-based design brings a scientific approach and helps remove guesswork from hiring decisions. The Stronge Hiring Protocol is completed through an "effectiveness lens," based on what research tells us makes a difference in schools and student success.
  • Multistep selection process includes structured screening and comprehensive interviews with effectiveness indicators and rubrics for evaluating candidate responses, performance components (for selected positions), and standardized reference checks.
  • Sound construct and content validity and high inter-rater reliability. Standardized research-based interview questions and field-tested scoring rubrics increase objectivity and consistency, and ensure the same criteria are being used by each interviewer.
  • Provides a recommended professional development path. New hires start their employment with a professional development plan to address identified areas of strength and potential need based on an analysis from the interview process.
  • Can be used with or without the Stronge Evaluation System. The hiring standards align directly with the Stronge Evaluation System performance standards, but because the Stronge Hiring Protocol is based on the research-based qualities of effective teachers and leaders, it will work with any research-based evaluation system. This allows districts to hire for what they fire for.

Positions Included

Main Components

Credential Review - Ranks applications according to candidates' certification, education, experience, and other research-based criteria

Screening Interview - Using effectiveness indicators and rubrics to rate responses, candidates are screened for characteristics related to prerequisites of effective teachers and leaders

Comprehensive Interview - More in-depth than the screening interview, interviewers select from three question prompts to ask candidates more detailed questions on effective teacher and leader qualities and rate responses using effectiveness indicators and rubrics

Performance Component - Enables interviewers to view a candidate's demonstration lesson or response to a given data simulation and score via a rubric

Telephone Reference Check - Standardizes the process of checking references

Professional Development Plan - Based on rubric scoring, areas for growth are identified so the employee starts the job knowing the areas on which to focus

Sample Comprehensive Interview Question for Teachers

Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System

The Stronge Hiring Protocol is just one component of the Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System.

 Why choose the Stronge Teacher and Leader Effectiveness System?

» Aligns the criteria used for hiring, developing, evaluating, and supporting educators

» Fully customizable to state, district, or organizational requirements

» Comprehensive evaluation system is research-based, feasible, and sustainable

» Recognized expertise in assessment and student growth measures

» Top quality, handbooks, user guides, training materials, and support materials

» Reasonably priced

 Contact Us

Voice Mail: 757.707.9662


Email: Dr. James Stronge

Email: Dr. Ginny Tonneson

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